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Tag: Spelunky

VGH #154: Ben Franklin’s Almanac

VGH #154: Ben Franklin's Almanac

Historians have long valued Ben Franklin’s famous almanac for the whimsical tales writ upon its myriad pages (20 collectible in Boston, 16 in New York). Stories of shrieking elf children, charismatic party trolls and cooperating robots provided hours of delight for American colonists skilled enough to parkour across rooftops and recover the First American’s scrawlings.

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VGH #130: Bork the Timeline

VGH #130: Bork the Timeline

This week, we finally bring the hammer down on Conan O’Brien and his fraudulent video game reviews. (Someone has to!) Randy’s so desperate for PS4 games that he digs into the free offerings Contrast and Don’t Starve, with mixed results. Paul returns to fix the timeline in Radiant Historia, and D.J.’s playing the same games from the last six months of shows, but maybe there’s an end in sight.


D.J.’s top games of 2013

D.J.'s top games in 2013

For me, 2013 was a year full of surprises, whether that meant discovering quirky games that hadn’t been on my radar, or realizing that the way I approached and enjoyed games had changed. It was a year when I tried to escape the constant stream of flashy new releases in favor of richer, less transient experiences. It was a year where I finally decided I had lost patience (for the most part) for overhyped, triple-A blockbusters that are too often just a different coat of paint on last year’s model. It was a year about learning how to play in new ways, learning how to die, and learning how to sew pants! These are my most unforgettable games from that year.

Honorable Mentions (in no particular order)

BIT.TRIP Presents… Runner2: Future Legend of Rhythm Alien

Emerging out of the original BIT.TRIP Runner on the Wii, Runner2 is firmly on my list of best sequels of all time. The solid running/jumping/kicking gameplay is back and expanded to make each stage (and, in turn, the intertwined soundtrack) a complete delight. While the original tended to be pretty unforgiving, Runner2 provides plenty of ways to tailor the game to your level, whether it’s a straightforward easy/hard setting, taking a more difficult route, or just opting to squeeze in fewer bonus-inducing dances—but why would you want to do that?

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VGH #124: Oh My Despot!

VGH #124: Oh My Despot!

What happens when we stop talking about games and decide to make one? The results surprised even us. (Don’t worry, there’s still some gaming chat, including more Zelda: A Link Between Worlds, Super Mario 3D World, and some PS4 catch-up.)

We’re taking your calls for our 2013 finale episode! Leave us a message at or by phone by calling* 1-682-999-VGH1 (1-682-999-8441).

*Long distance charges may apply.

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VGH #114: Play It in Klingon

VGH #114: Play It in Klingon

We stick the fork of mercy into the Summer Backlog Attack, because it’s time for us to stop playing old games and start stealing cars. We also stick multiple forks (with varying degrees of lethality) into Splinter Cell Blacklist, and Paul’s still playing Diablo III? Oh, it’s the new Diablo III for Consoles. Also, we’re super excited for Watch Dogs but maybe it’s just because the Internet is a big place and we get lonely.

In the Hangover, Randy’s playing Killzone: Mercenary, which is a first-person shooter you play on a handheld, D.J. is unusually restrained about Final Fantasy XIV, and Paul is already sick of Grand Theft Auto V.

We’ve got your Spelunky-flavored Viewer Mail, and we announce the grand prize winner of the Backlog Attack contest! Is it you?