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VGH #154: Ben Franklin’s Almanac

VGH #154: Ben Franklin's Almanac

Historians have long valued Ben Franklin’s famous almanac for the whimsical tales writ upon its myriad pages (20 collectible in Boston, 16 in New York). Stories of shrieking elf children, charismatic party trolls and cooperating robots provided hours of delight for American colonists skilled enough to parkour across rooftops and recover the First American’s scrawlings.

  • Things Discussed

    Things Discussed:
    Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag, Borderlands, Divinity: Original Sin, Halo: Reach, Portal 2, Resident Evil 5, Spelunky, Splinter Cell: Conviction, The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past

Episode Timeline:
0:00 – Intro
4:33 – Halo: Reach
15:44 – Zelda: A Link to the Past
23:02 – Assassin’s Creed IV: Ben Franklin Dances Wild
31:03 – Divinity: Original Sin
44:15 – How I Learned to Stop Playing Solo and Love Co-Op Gunbroing Everything
62:45 – Viewer Mail
64:36 – Outro

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This Week’s Music:
“The Chiptune Legacy” and “Cosmic Visions” by Jimmy “Big Giant Circles” Hinson.
Get these tracks and more on Bandcamp or iTunes, and follow @biggiantcircles on Twitter and on Facebook!

Changes between the SNES and GBA versions of Zelda III

Xbox Entertainment Studio shuts, but Halo and Quantum Break are safe