Confession: We straight up forgot to check in with our backlog progress last episode. We’re really embarrassed! Almost as embarrassed as we are to admit…
Comments closedTag: Backlog Attack 2012
Here’s a quick, late-night backlog update for you before the next episode comes out! Last week, I proudly announced that I finished Mega Man ZX…
4 CommentsDo you know where your millionaire ninja is? If you listened to last week’s episode (VGH #62: Millionaire Ninja), you got impressions of the latest…
Comments closedWe chatted a bit about StarCraft: Ghost last week on the show–one game that unfortunately won’t be gracing anyone’s backlog any time soon. Not that…
Comments closedWe checked in on our backlog progress in Episode 60. Paul has already blown through Enslaved and has made a fair amount of progress in…
1 CommentAs you already know if you’ve checked out Episode 59, we’re launching an all-out attack on our backlogs as we get into the middle of summer. We even came up with a ridiculous name for it, and I figured, while we’re at it, let’s have a huge leaderboard graphic, too. So now, here we are.