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Weekend Hangover: Carpal Tunnel Edition

It seems that Nintendo finally figured out that Amazon doesn’t deliver on Sundays because they’ve released Kid Icarus: Uprising today.  Reviews have been trickling out all week long and they’re all over the place: Destructoid called it “equal parts tremendous and terrible” and Joystiq called it “an excellent game”.

While the critics can’t seem to agree on the quality of the game, one thing that nearly every review cites is the painful hand contortions that are required to actually play it. Perhaps a red flag should have gone up at Nintendo HQ when someone suggested including a plastic stand for the 3DS so gamers wouldn’t be doomed to a lifetime of wrist pain?

Regardless, after a 20-year absence, Pit, Medusa and the Eggplant Wizard are back this weekend. At least 2 members of the VGH team have expressed interest in the game. Will it be worth the pain?

One final note: under no circumstances should you ever do a Google Image Search for “carpal tunnel syndrome surgery”. I may not sleep tonight.

What’s everyone playing this weekend?

Randy Dickinson (@randy_wrecked):
I recently downloaded my freebie copy of Super Stardust Delta on the Vita and I’m itching to play more. It’s gorgeous, it’s devilishly chaotic, and the touch controls feel unobtrusive and natural.

I’ve also got at least 10 games of Hustle Kings and Draw Something running at any given time. Don’t judge me.

D.J. Ross (@metaly):
To help ensure I don’t get to Mass Effect 3 this century, I was thinking of picking up the new Kid Icarus: Uprising. Is this a good plan? You tell me.

Paul Sandhu (@spaulsandhu):
I hate Mass Effect 3! Am I doing it right? Gonna continue my second playthrough a bit. Rarrrr how dare Bioware do this to me rarrrr.

Matt Kernan (@mkernan):
I’m taking a road trip down south for a wedding this weekend, so I’ve loaded up my Vita with all the demos that I haven’t gotten around to trying yet. I might even finally start up Uncharted: Golden Abyss. I contemplated packing up the PS3 and hoping the hotel TV had an open HDMI port, but Mrs. Kernan vetoed me. I left it on at home though, just so I could prove that Remote Play works.


  1. Matt Kernan
    Matt Kernan March 23, 2012

    Oh yeah, and Draw Something! I’ve definitely gotten in a bit over my head, with about 10 concurrent games going. Hopefully I can pry the iPad away from my daughters long enough this weekend to take my turns at drawing – my stick figures really suck in the first place, but trying to draw on my iPhone’s screen makes them even worse.

    • randy_wrecked
      randy_wrecked March 27, 2012

      I’ve heard from some folks who are using a stylus to play DrawSomething and I kinda think that goes against the spirit of the game. The drawings are supposed to be shitty!

      • metaly
        metaly March 28, 2012

         I think that’s code for “I wish I had a stylus.”

  2. smthng
    smthng March 23, 2012

    BTW, Matt…  just for future reference, most Marriott properties (Fairfield Inn, etc) on the East coast south of Baltimore have easily jackable HDMI flatscreens…  Just remember the funky component cable for odd one or two that are still nursing the CRTs. 🙂

    • Matt Kernan
      Matt Kernan March 23, 2012

      Yeah, now that I’m here, I see that open HDMI port just taunting me. I did bring along a VGA cable for my laptop, so I can probably still do Netflix streaming and what not, so that’s good.

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