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Month: March 2012

VGH #47: Vegetable-Based Objectives

VGH #47: Vegetable-Based Objectives

Oh, Mass Effect 3…where did it all go wrong? Inspired by Bioware’s recent debacle, we’re seizing the opportunity this week to discuss video game endings: the ones that got it right and the ones that missed the mark. Also: Mulchers, hand cramps, vagina monsters, generic white men, and the importance of carrying enough arrows.

In the Hangover: Paul is having fun losing with Dark Souls, D.J. addresses some concerns with the Starhawk beta, and Randy la-la-la-la-loves Gears of War 3.

For our Last Call this week, we shine a light on our killer new theme music from Shane Reaction: Zombieland.

The end is nigh!

Warning: Episode contains spoilers for Super Mario Bros. 2.


Play More Games: Eggplants vs. Zombies

Kid Icarus: Uprising

This might go without saying at this point, but if you stop by your local games retailer this week to check out the new releases, expect to see familiar franchises from wall to wall. I know that the games industry loves to stick to their tried and true series—this generation more than ever—but even I’m a little surprised at the extent to which they’ve done it this week.


VGH #45: Zoo Hunter

VGH #45: Zoo Hunter

Every gamer has a story about the one that got away. Red Dead, GTA, Fable, Dead Space…

On this week’s show, we’re talking about the games that we’ve played but somehow never finished. Sometimes life gets in the way, sometimes we have to force ourselves to finish a game that just isn’t fun…and sometimes Randy just can’t get past a certain boss battle and won’t stop talking about it.

In the Hangover: Matt buys a Vita, D.J. prepares himself for Mass Effect 3 by getting his Shepard in order, and Randy gets closer to God with El Shaddai: The Ascension of the Metatron. D.J. also got his hands on the yet-to-be-released fighting game Skullgirls, and Randy and Matt keep their Journey talk 100% spoiler-free.

In Last Call: Quantic Dream follows up on Heavy Rain with something very moving, Stromkern emerges from hiding with some killer new music, and EA’s Origin service seems to be getting its act together.

Lastly, we pay tribute to some of our favorite fake radio ads from the Grand Theft Auto series in this week’s Video Game Community Theatre segments.

The Video Game Hangover podcast: it moistens your mouth and it’s mildly offensive to French people.

Mais non! Pas du tous!


Contest: Win Nexuiz (XBLA)!

THQ was nice enough to send over three codes for the Xbox Live Arcade version of Nexuiz for us to give away to our wonderful listeners and readers. For those not familiar with it, Nexuiz is a fast-paced, online competitive first-person shooter from IllFonic. I had great time with it when I checked it out for review last month. It’s available on XBLA now and is heading to PC and PSN soon.


VGH #44: Too Many Ninjas Everywhere

VGH #44: Too Many Ninjas Everywhere

Opinions? We has them.

On this week’s show, we chime in on the big Mass Effect 3 DLC debacle, the rampant rumors about Valve’s “Steam Box” home console, and the recently leaked (then quickly confirmed) Assassin’s Creed III.

In the Hangover: Randy wraps up both inFAMOUS 2 and Syndicate, Paul gets a fancy-pants smartphone and finally plays Game Dev Story, and D.J. does NOT, in fact, revisit Mass Effect 2.

In Last Call: a classic fighting game gets inexplicably turned in to a board game and wonders if Dark Souls would have been better if it were only 5 hours long.

Too many ninjas? Is there really even such a thing?


Weekend Hangover – ‘Galactic Readiness’ edition

Only four. more. days. Are you ready for Mass Effect 3?

Are you scrambling to rush back through Mass Effect 2 one more time or are you going in fresh? Planning to pick up any of the countless items that come with DLC bundled in?

I hope you’re ready. If not for the game itself, then at least to hear Paul gush about it (or rail against it?!?) on a future episode.

What’s everybody up to this weekend?

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VGH #43: The Internet Was Upset

VGH #43: The Internet Was Upset

Would Uncharted be just as fun as a kart racer? New series reboots of Syndicate, XCOM and Kid Icarus bear little (if any) resemblance to the classic games that they’re based on. Naturally, purists and fanboys around the ‘net have mixed feelings on the matter. On this week’s show, we offer up our 2 cents and talk about how important genre classification is to our favorite games.

In the Hangover: Randy declares which game stands out as his favorite in the huge PS Vita launch line-up, Paul plays a game that isn’t really a game, and D.J.’s love affair with SoulCalibur V continues unchecked.

In Last Call: delicious baked goods, classic sitcoms reconsidered, and amusing (but ultimately heartwarming) nonsense from Twitter.

Somewhere in all of this, Phoenix Wright makes his first appearance in our Video Game Community Theatre segment. We hope you don’t object.