D.J. is joined by a mystery guest host who talks him through the Eorzean job crisis in Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward. The same mystery host, who is definitely not Paul because he’s finished The Last of Us, plays Guacamelee wonders why Canadians are so racist towards Mexicans, maybe.
Episode Timeline
00:00 – Intro
03:30 – Viewer Mail
08:50 – The Last of Us (spoiler free)
12:30 – Guacamelee
22:15 – Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward
47:00 – Gravity Rush
54:50 – Backlog Contest
59:05 – Outro
60:15 – The Last of Us (SPOILERS)
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This Week’s Music:
“Orbital Bombardment” from Ultionus: A Soundtrack of Petty Revenge and “The Time Vampire” from FX4 by Jake “virt” Kaufman.
Get these tracks and more on Bandcamp and follow @virtjk on Twitter!
Listener kube00 says: Check out Terrordrome, a free fighting game featuring classic horror characters (no Jamie Lee Curtis yet)
As a Mexican myself, I quite enjoyed Guacamelee and I never perceived the caricatures of the characters or jokes said to be racist at all, or offending for that matter. I personally saw the game as an homage of sorts to Mexican culture. It’s not everyday that yours truly plays a game that doesn’t star a balding white guy! 😛
I thought Guacamelee tackled the art style and dialogue in a respectful manner. The devs really did their research because the game is steeped in several hallmarks of Mexican culture: Good food, honor for family and tradition, the mariachi music. It was a treat for me to play a game in which I can laugh at some of the Spanglish dialogue which is all too common for the first-generation Mexican-American such as myself, as well as seeing a ton of video game references given the Aztec art treatment. It’s a very well done game, I enjoyed it thoroughly.
Nice! I was wondering if I was being a little too sensitive. Everything in the game seemed to be above ground but it’s hard to tell sometimes. It’s been a lot of fun and it’s actually pretty sweet to have you chime in Freaky. Good to hear from you!