We asked the top robotic minds at Google what the best games of 2015 were. When it turned out AIs don’t have opinions, we deferred to our slightly less robotic stable of podcast hosts. Also, D.J. is pretty sure he’s not poisoned.
1 CommentTag: Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward
The whole gang is back together so it’s time to talk about every video game: South Park: The Stick of Truth, Gravity Rush, Rocket League, You Must Build a Boat, LEGO Batman 3, etc. Plus more Guacamelee racism, and D.J. discovers what happens when they put Battlefield into Final Fantasy.
Comments closedD.J. is joined by a mystery guest host who talks him through the Eorzean job crisis in Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward. The same mystery host, who is definitely not Paul because he’s finished The Last of Us, plays Guacamelee wonders why Canadians are so racist towards Mexicans, maybe.
2 CommentsDamage Dealing Wizard Character can utilize the following abilities:
(10MP) Deal Damage
(25MP) Enhanced Deal Damage
(50MP) Superior Deal Damage
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On the way to 2015, you suddenly find yourself trapped in the realm of Nintendoom, where nothing fits in your pocket and every Amiibo is Luigi. Your only chance of escape lies in the machinegun-toting hands of—who else—Batman (voiced by Troy Baker).
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