DESTINY MEGA-SHOW!!!! (Just kidding, please don’t leave.) On our 200 millionth episode, backlog celebrity Al Parker joins us to uncover our true feelings about loot. We also get into Magicka (the old one), Dragon Age (the new one), and some cheap beer.
Comments closedTag: Borderlands 2
It’s an event witnessed only once a console generation—something that die-hard fanboys will be frothing about to the uninitiated for years to come. That’s right—a good Lord of the Rings game. Also, we played Super Smash Bros. 4.
Comments closedWe haven’t played Shadow of Mordor yet but that doesn’t keep us from talking about it and the sleeper hit phenomenon. Also, Luftrausers, The Last of Us Remastered, and Borderlands 2 on the Vita.
Comments closedBGM Mode is back with volume 2 of the best game music of 2012. Today, we’ve got Paul’s picks.
2 Comments#5: Soulcalibur V
It’s been an auspicious year for fighting games–can you imagine the reaction just a few years ago if someone predicted that in one year, we’d see new iterations of nearly every major fighting franchise? That’s exactly what happened in 2012, and I’ve got to give credit to the latest in my favorite fighting series: Soulcalibur. Despite some skepticism over new gameplay mechanics and a dramatically different character roster, SCV emerged as one of the series’ strongest entries and even appeared to gain back some respect from the arcade circuit. Best of all: No Star Wars characters in sight.
Comments closed2012 was a huge year for games and we’re discussing just a few of the many contenders for Game of the Year, before finally revealing our personal top five.
6 CommentsWe discuss the good, the bad and the ugly of MMOs! We offer suggestions on how to improve what we think is an important, but stagnant genre. Also: The Unfinished Swan, Hotline Miami and, yep—Borderlands 2 again.
Comments closedHow can we improve movie tie-in games? We discuss whether GoldenEye is destined to be the best we can do. Also: XCOM: Enemy Unknown, Dishonored and a little more Borderlands 2!
2 CommentsAre you proud to call yourself a gamer? On this week’s show, we’re talking about how Nintendo’s recent ads and Maine’s Republican Party both seem to think it’s something to be ashamed of.
We’ll also revisit The Great Gaming Debate (with provocative new questions from the VGH community!) and weigh in on Tokyo Jungle and Inversion.
Comments closedWe had planned to do a show inspired by this week’s Presidential Debate but we ended up talking about how much we love Borderlands 2 and XCOM: Enemy Unknown for an hour instead. Hope you don’t mind.
We’ve also got Viewer Mail, a winner in our LittleBigPlanet Vita contest, Netflix recommendations, and more!
3 CommentsIn this week’s show: 2012, will it be as great as 2011 or is everything just going to end? The Crew chat about what games they look forward to in the coming year!