2012 was a huge year for games and we’re discussing just a few of the many contenders for Game of the Year, before finally revealing our personal top five.
Episode Timeline:
0:00:00 – Intro
0:02:10 – Viewer Mail
0:04:50 – Best of 2012
1:10:00 – Outro
This Week’s Music:
“A Robot Meets the Tree of Life” and “Voltaic Fluctuations” from Chromatic T-Rex, by Ben Prunty.
Wikipedia’s list of gaming in 2012
Is this on Zune, cos it’s well funny 😀
Thanks for commenting. We are on Zune! Just search for “video game hangover” in the Zune Marketplace and we’re the top result. Be sure to subscrube!
Randy! PLAY FTL!
Nice pick, SB. I might have to hit you up for some tips on how to beat the Rebel Flagship. I still haven’t successfully won a campaign.
Yeah, neither have I. I’ve put 40+ hours into this $5 game and I can’t beat it. Still love it though.
Just remember, it’s the journey, not the destination. Or some other such nonsense. 😐