We humbly present the VGH Holiday Gift Guide (with apologies to all of the non-creepy mall Santas out there). We’ve got cool gift ideas for gamers, readers, comic book and movie lovers, and more. No one will judge you if you decide to keep the best stuff for yourself. Also on this week’s show: our (almost) final word on FTL and The Walking Dead, thoughts on the surprising new Devil May Cry, and D.J. gets his hands on Nintendo’s hot new thing.
3 CommentsMonth: November 2012
Has it been two years already? We’re ending 2012 on a high note (or maybe just a tipsy one) with our second annual Hungover Hangover call-in show. (Two drink minimum!)
Comments closedWould you pay $60 for a 3-hour game? What’s your dollar-per-hour ratio? With Black Friday right around the corner, we’re dedicating this week’s show to a conversation about the shopping habits of the modern gamer. We’ve also got talk of FTL, Paper Mario: Sticker Star on 3DS,Wreck-It Ralph, the music of Airmech, and free-to-play Star Wars: The Old Republic.
1 CommentWe get into the controversy over Assassin’s Creed III (spoiler free!) and discuss the revelation that Grand Theft Auto V will have three playable characters and what that might imply for the upcoming sandbox game. Matt likes the chunkiness of Halo 4, and D.J. implores you to play Zero Escape: Virtue’s Last Reward, but is reluctant to tell you why. We’ve also got Viewer Mail with your World of Warcraft woes and biggest gaming addictions!
During the GTA5 discussion, we mentioned that we’d be even more excited if Rockstar would just release a new trailer. So they did! Watch it here.
1 CommentIn case you missed our Twitter announcement yesterday (you’re following us on Twitter, right?), we won’t be publishing an episode this week due to some…
6 CommentsWe discuss the good, the bad and the ugly of MMOs! We offer suggestions on how to improve what we think is an important, but stagnant genre. Also: The Unfinished Swan, Hotline Miami and, yep—Borderlands 2 again.
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