In case you missed our Twitter announcement yesterday (you’re following us on Twitter, right?), we won’t be publishing an episode this week due to some problems we ran into during recording. Randy may have survived Hurricane Sandy, but it’s taken a special level of coaxing to get Paul’s Internet to cooperate lately and this week it just wasn’t having it. It should be fixed soon, though, so we’ll be back on the air next Thursday.
In the meantime, what are you guys playing this weekend? I’m hoping to put a few more hours into either Virtue’s Last Reward (it’s really good) or Assassin’s Creed III (it’s really… something). Also, Rockstar just dropped a ton of new Grand Theft Auto V info, including the revelation the game will have three protagonists. Does that make you three times as excited for the game’s release this Spring? Let us know in the comments!
Need For Speed: Most Wanted, XCom:EU, maybe some Vikings Attack. Might pick up one of the many recent RPG(ish) titles that dropped on the Vita (roadtrip next week).
What’s the RPG-ish stuff on the Vita? Are you playing Ragnarok Odyssey by any chance?
Haven’t pulled the trigger on that yet, Sony has been getting too much of my money recently. I’m sure I’ll snag it soon though.
I’ll probably be screaming at ACIII all weekend.
That bad? I’m still in the first few hours so I don’t know how infuriating it gets.