Editor’s note: Randy had a really great Professor Layton-based idea for our weekend post, but I had trouble with fleshing it out. Instead, I wasted close to an hour creating that abomination you see above (it’ll make a little more sense when you finish reading the post).
There’s a distinct chill in the air, Halloween is getting closer, and we’re ankles deep in the fall game release onslaught. What’s everyone playing this weekend (when not carving pumpkins or sipping on hot apple cider)?
It looks like seventy-five percent of us will be playing more of the caped crusader’s latest adventure. What games are you chilling out to this weekend?
Here’s what the VGH crew are up to:
Randy Dickinson (@randy_wrecked): This time of year, my weekends are typically occupied with the carving of pumpkins and the drinking of hot apple cider. This weekend, however, I’ve got one more reason to brave the chill outside: Lowe, one of my favorite modern synthpop bands, is on tour! They seldom make it to the US so I’m determined not to miss their nearby stop. Check out one of their newest songs here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4TUsDjwU4aI.
Amidst all of this, I’m hoping to actually play some games: Batman: Arkham City, Ratchet and Clank: All 4 One, and Professor Layton and the Last Specter are all calling out to me. I’m especially eager to get some time with Layton’s London Life, an Animal Crossing-style RPG that’s included with the new Layton game.
D.J. Ross (@metaly): I’m going to make another, perhaps misguided attempt to play Battlefield: Bad Company 2 this weekend, after spending 20 minutes trying to connect to a server last Saturday (seriously) and then giving up in frustration. I’ll hopefully also be putting down more money than I’m willing to admit on a computer capable of running DICE’s latest adventure in Internet connectivity, Battlefield 3, which launches next week. Although I’m sure it’ll be an amazing game after the inevitable disaster of a launch week, every time I load up a Battlefield game for another session of self-punishment, I can’t help but question my sanity.
Paul Sandhu (@spaulsandhu): This weekend? I’ll be punching more sharks in the FACE….. as Batman. ‘Nuff said. \o/
Matt Kernan (@mkernan): I’ll obviously be playing more of Arkham City, but I’m having a surprisingly good time playing the PSN-exclusive Rocketbirds: Hardboiled Chicken, so I’ll be attempting to finish that off this weekend. The borrowed Kinect is still at my house, so I may fire up Kinect Sports and Kinect Adventures, both of which have gone completely untouched in the week that I’ve had the Kinect.