Entering our 100th hour of Zelda discussion, we talk how to make open worlds interesting, how to identify a suspicious leaf, and how not to get banned from international flights. Also, what’s new in Splatoon 2 and whether that even matters.
Comments closedMonth: March 2017
Randy and Paul tackle the burning questions of our time: Why does the Internet hate a video game they haven’t played yet? What is the best video game ever, and why is it The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild? The answers might surprise you! Zeldaaaaaa
Comments closedRandy voyages to the far-off land of Boston, Pennsylvania (?), to attend PAX East, play video games, eat cookies, and silently judge cosplayers. Erik Kubik (from The Gamer’s Lounge) and Zenprime (from The Internet) join in on the fun.
Comments closedHey it’s the episode where we talk about the Switch and Zelda.
Comments closedD.J. finds some misallocated Nintendo hardware. Randy politely declines offers for help in the wilderness. Paul’s mistakes come back to haunt him 300 hours later.
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