Editor’s note: I didn’t actually do any fact-checking on that whole “face punching” thing.
The latest game to chronicle the exploits of the “World’s Greatest Detective”, Batman: Arkham City, is performing pretty well, evidently. Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment announced today that the game has shipped 4.6 million units worldwide in its first week on the market, with the LA Times following up with a report that says actual sales have already hit 2 million units.
Warner went on to point out that Batman: Arkham City has also become the top-rated game of 2011, according to the Metacritic scores of the PS3 and 360 versions. That could very well change in a heartbeat, with Uncharted 3 reviews already rolling out and big name titles like Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 looming around the corner.
A number of us here at VGH HQ have been prowling the rooftops of Arkham City ourselves, so keep an eye on the site for our review, and be sure to listen to VGH #27 this Thursday for Randy and Paul’s thoughts on the game!
Source: Warner Bros., LA Times
“top-rated game of 2011” , wow, Catwoman & Harley cleavage did the trick I guess.
A little cleavage goes a long way. In turn, a LOT of cleavage goes a really long way.
Uncharted 3’s current score is only two points below Arkham City’s on Metacritic right now. I don’t put too much stock in that kind of thing, but obviously the publishers love to tout high score.
Also, give VGH #6 a listen to hear what the guys think of Metacritic, if you haven’t: