We reflect back on the games of 2016: the ones we loved, the ones we were only mildly enthused about, and the ones that made is stare blankly at our phones while we wandered into traffic.
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Paul embarks on the anime road trip of a lifetime. D.J. takes a (short!) break from rebuilding Alefgard to hang out with a robot buddy. Randy tries to figure out why everyone’s dead.
Comments closedRandy finds his new ninja lifestyle oddly unsatisfying. Paul is trapped in the PlayStation 1 zombie wasteland of his dreams. D.J. is also trapped, but in an annoying space pod. Also Dragon Quest Builders Dragon Quest Builders Dragon Quest Builders.
Comments closedHave some semi-coherent rambling after staying up too late playing video games. And then… our Extra Life live show, ha ha!!
3 CommentsPaul replaces homes with slightly nicer homes. Randy learns what to do about a soggy toad. D.J. decides to loiter in a vacant virtual house where the Target employees can’t find him. And Nintendo introduces the Slapchop.
Comments closedWe get a glimpse of Paul’s nascent Dragon Quest Builders addiction as he recounts his time with the demo. Meanwhile, D.J. makes the responsible decision to only play games for 15 minutes at a time, and, doing the opposite, Randy plays Picross 3D.
Comments closedPaul and D.J. report in from the first ever PAX West. Hear about Dragon Quest Builders, The Silver Case, World of Final Fantasy, PAX Game Show Night, and more!
Comments closedThis year, at E3: Tom Clancy’s robot dog! Norman Reedus’s weird body! Games about war! Games about burritos! Typography! JRPGs that look like Mass Effect! And the Pacific Northwest, but everywhere!
Comments closedWe continue our month-long deep analysis of the infamous Uncharted 4 scene where Nate eats his own brother. D.J. is still stuck in a Final Fantasy XIII hellworld. And the Backlog Attack returns!!
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