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VGH #400: The Greatest 400 Video Games of All Time

We’re commemorating our 400th episode in the only way that makes sense: By definitively naming the best 400 video games ever made. Also, we kick off this summer’s Backlog Attack!

  • Things Discussed

    Things Discussed:
    Backlog Attack, Backlog Attack 2019, Tetris

Episode Timeline:
00:26 – Intro
01:35 – Backlog Attack/The greatest 400 video games of all time, comprehensively and definitively ranked
1:02:39 – Outro

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This Week’s Music:
“Disco Descent (1-1 ReMix)” by DDRKirby(ISQ) and “Absolutetion (Golden Lute ReMix)” by RoboRob from Crypt of the NecroDancer: OverClocked. Get the full album on Bandcamp.

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