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Tag: Xbox One

VGH #102: Out and Proud

VGH #102: Out and Proud

Are you a closet gamer? (It’s OK, you’re among friends.) In a special combo topic from listener Robop1g, we’re picking apart the concept of “gamer shame” and seeing how far we have to turn the clock back before games become unplayable. And—as long as we’re coming out of the closet—we go on a bit of a tangent and confess our biggest movie shames.

In the Hangover, we’re playing Mighty Switch Force! 2 on 3DS and experiencing different types of zombie survival in State of Decay and The Last of Us. (Don’t worry, no spoilers!) We’ve also got your reactions to Microsoft’s surprise Xbox 180!




The Xbox One is real and we can’t contain our excitement! We discuss Microsoft’s next-gen console reveal and how it stacks up with the PlayStation 4. We’ve also got your reactions to the news!

In the Hangover, we’re scrounging for bullets in Metro: Last Light, being very secretive about the first Guild02 title, The Starship Damrey, and making new friends in Jacob Jones and the Bigfoot Mystery.