Are The Elder Scrolls Online? Do they have to be? We launch a full investigation. Also, Paul makes an impulse Diablo III purchase (not the auction house kind), Randy climbs to the tops of buildings in Infamous Second Son, and you’ll never guess what D.J.’s doing.
Comments closedTag: Weapon Shop de Omasse
Matt returns with a shocking announcement about Telltale’s The Walking Dead: Season 2: Episode 2. Randy decides the new Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy feels familiar, but that’s OK. Meanwhile, D.J. stunt casts the recently announced Last of Us movie. And we all can’t wait to rent PlayStation games over the Internet!
There’s also a little chat about puzzle games and blacksmithing.
Comments closedCan you smell what the River is cooking? Join the VGH crew as they chat about Thief, Weapon Shop de Omasse, and the Final Fantasy XIV endgame. Also: stealth games, year 3 of the 3DS and more!