D.J. takes a day trip to the most fantastical of video game realms: Watch Dogs 2‘s San Francisco. Randy grapples with his perfectionist urges in Spyro the Dragon. Also, Cthulhu and the Third Reich: A classic combination?
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Randy pulls rank to get his hands on that new Zelda game (give or take 13 years). Paul and D.J. continue chasing orbs in Fire Emblem Heroes, although they wonder why everyone’s clothes keep falling off. Also, swords: Are they guns?
Comments closedRandy meets new friends in Watch Dogs 2 and finds ways to non-lethally kill them. D.J. knows a lot of things about Nier, since he’s been playing it. And, finally, the big ball saga concludes.
Comments closedPaul takes a break from all the gammin to build cities on an island full of sheep. Randy continues to pursue his murderous agenda on the mean streets of San Francisco. And D.J. is strong-armed into playing that game he’s always playing.
7 CommentsJoin us as we answer 2017’s most burning questions: What is it like owning a dragon-cat-dog-bird-thing? How not-terrible is Watch Dogs 2? Is Paul stuck in an Animal Crossing time loop? What’s your social security number? Also, D.J. attends a stage play.
Comments closedThis year, at E3: Tom Clancy’s robot dog! Norman Reedus’s weird body! Games about war! Games about burritos! Typography! JRPGs that look like Mass Effect! And the Pacific Northwest, but everywhere!
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