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Tag: The Walking Dead

VGH #140: Double Super Secret Detective Mode

VGH #140: Double Super Secret Detective Mode

Randy and D.J. are going to PAX East this year so Nintendo, Sony, and friends don’t have to, apparently. But why is that exactly? We also discuss Vlambeer’s indie guilt over Ridiculous Fishing, Batmanstlevania: Arkham Origins Blackgate, Final Fantasy, and, as always, baseball.

We also want your suggestions for this month’s game night! Let us know what you want to play on Twitter!

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VGH #136: Tom Cruise Will Remember This

VGH #136: Tom Cruise Will Remember This

Matt returns with a shocking announcement about Telltale’s The Walking Dead: Season 2: Episode 2. Randy decides the new Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy feels familiar, but that’s OK. Meanwhile, D.J. stunt casts the recently announced Last of Us movie. And we all can’t wait to rent PlayStation games over the Internet!

There’s also a little chat about puzzle games and blacksmithing.

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VGH #104: Creatively Bankrupt

VGH #104: Creatively Bankrupt

There’s still some life left in those old consoles! We’re looking into the back half of 2013 for the current-gen games we most want to play this year (besides Grand Theft Auto V, of course), including Splinter Cell: Blacklist, Pikmin 3, Pokemon X and Y, and (finally) the new Phoenix Wright game.

In the Hangover this week, we’ve got our spoiler-free review of the new Walking Dead episode, 400 Days, and impressions of the Final Fantasy XIV beta.

As always, we’ve got your postcards and letters in Viewer Mail and we wrap things up with our weekly non-sequiturs in Last Call.


Randy’s Top 10 Games of 2012

10. Deadlight
The folks at Xbox Live usually horde some of their best downloadable titles for their Summer of Arcade campaign. The headliner of 2012’s line-up for me was easily Deadlight, a 2D puzzle-platformer from Spanish developer Tequilaworks. Combining a visual style heavily influenced by LIMBO and gameplay elements reminiscent of Shadow Complex, you play as a survivor of the zombie apocalypse trying to navigate your way through the decimated remains of Seattle. Filled with challenging environmental puzzles and intense “run or die” moments, Deadlight brought a fresh perspective to the zombie survival genre.


9. Journey
What can be said about Journey that hasn’t been said already? It’s a game but it’s not. It features multiplayer but you can’t play it with your friends. It’s surprisingly moving, occasionally frightening, and very, very strange. Most importantly, Journey is an experiment in gaming that succeeds primarily because of the fearlessness of developer thatgamecompany.


8. Tales from Space: Mutant Blobs Attack
The jury’s still out on Sony’s Playstation Vita but most owners agree that its gaming line-up was a bit slight in early 2012. Mutant Blobs Attack was an early Vita release but it remains one of the most fun and original experiences on the system. You play as a one-eyed blob who rolls along absorbing pieces of the environment and growing in size until, eventually, terrorizing the populace and attracting the attention of the military. It’s one of the most laugh-out-loud funny games of the year, filled with 1950’s B-movie tropes and a roster of evolving powers that allow your blob to dominate Earth.

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VGH #80: No Corndogs in Heaven

VGH #80: No Corndogs in Heaven

Are you ready for the 2012 apocalypse? We’ve got a list of the games you should play, plus a few suggestions for every gamer’s bucket list that will ensure you’ve lived a rich and fulfilled life, even away from your consoles. (OK, maybe not too far away.) In the Hangover, we’ve been playing Assassin’s Creed III: Liberation on the Vita, Adventure Time on the 3DS, Transformers: Fall of Cybertron, and a little more Nintendo Land. And, as always, you answer our questions (and this week, we answer yours!) in Viewer Mail.


VGH #79: Nintendo Hard

VGH #79: Nintendo Hard

We humbly present the VGH Holiday Gift Guide (with apologies to all of the non-creepy mall Santas out there). We’ve got cool gift ideas for gamers, readers, comic book and movie lovers, and more. No one will judge you if you decide to keep the best stuff for yourself. Also on this week’s show: our (almost) final word on FTL and The Walking Dead, thoughts on the surprising new Devil May Cry, and D.J. gets his hands on Nintendo’s hot new thing.


VGH #68: Big Fist

VGH #68: Big Fist

Couldn’t make the trek to Seattle last week? If Randy can somehow survive the intro, we might have the lowdown on all the cool stuff that D.J. saw at PAX Prime last week. We’ve also got reviews of Sleeping Dogs and the newest Walking Dead episode.

Want some cool PAX freebies from D.J.’s swag bag? Listen for details on this week’s show to find out what he’s giving away and how you can get your hands on it.

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VGH #61: Man in a Vent Shaft

VGH #61: Man in a Vent Shaft

Sony’s purchase of cloud-gaming company Gaikai has us wondering about the future of shiny plastic discs. Also: THQ’s near-cancellation of The Devil’s Third gets us talking about some potentially good games that never saw the light of day.

In the Hangover, we offer a quick update on our Summer Backlog Project, survive The Walking Dead: Starved for Help and the tap to the beat of Final Fantasy: Theatrhythm.

Lastly, we’ve got your Tweets and comments, a reminder to set your DVR for the new season of Breaking Bad, a celebration of 25 years of Metal Gear, and a fun foodie recommendation.


Weekend Hangover – Sunday night frights

The Walking Dead

As mentioned in the Last Call section of VGH #25, season 2 of The Walking Dead premieres this weekend on AMC. If you’re not caught up, don’t worry – Season 1 is on Netflix streaming. So, Sunday night is on quarantine, but where does that leave us the rest of the weekend? Allow us to pick your brain – drop a note in the comments and let us know what’s on your gaming agenda this weekend!