We’ve arrived in 2019 to tell you about our favorite Yakuza and non-Yakuza games from 2018.
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Even with Extra Life right around the corner, we find ourselves distracted and wondering what it’s like to play the Cowboy Game. Also, the thrilling deaths of Spider-Man and his lady friends, returning to New Donk City, and — why not? — Dragalia Lost.
Comments closedWe wrap up both Spider-Man and Shadow of the Tomb Raider, then bust ghosts like it’s 2001 in the Luigi’s Mansion remake. Also, getting raidy in Dragalia Lost, and self-dismemberment for fun and donuts in The Missing.
Comments closedRandy does some minor time traveling in The Gardens Between. D.J. survives the latest Monster Hunter World festival, only to find himself surrounded by dragons in Dragalia Lost. Paul sets everyone straight on what is a sword and what is an axe.
Comments closedPaul’s thrilling 14859024-part Yakuza segment comes to a close as he wraps up Yakuza Kiwami 2. Also, Forza Horizon 4 vs. The Crew vs. a pleasant Hawaiian vacation, and a nearly endless buffet of exploding heads in Fist of the North Star: Lost Paradise.
Comments closedWe’re continuing to murder people indiscriminately as Spider-Man but occasionally tagging in Lara Croft to show us how it’s really done. Also, full-contact lawyering in the Yakuza studio’s upcoming Judge Eyes.
Comments closedWe’ve got Spider-Man fever, although we can’t seem to remember all the words to his theme song. Also, a return to World War II via the Battlefield V beta, and follow-up thoughts on Pokémon Go and Dragon Quest XI.
Comments closedIt’s E3 week and we can’t wait to hear all about the new Animal Crossing game!
Comments closedE3 is here and it’s time to second-guess all of our entertainment choices! Has Sony betrayed us? Is Monster Hunter real? Does playing Mario XCOM mean we secretly like Minions? Y can’t Metroid crawl??
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