Randy delves into the world of thinly veiled 90s TV references in The Darkside Detective. D.J. plays the latest in one of his favorite genres: Shadow of the Colossus remakes. And Paul continues hunting monsters, somewhere.
Comments closedTag: Shadow of the Colossus
Randy shoots up space-terrorists in Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare before uncovering Radiant Historia‘s dark underbelly of anti-anime DLC. D.J. gives an update on the state of fashion in Final Fantasy XIV. And Paul continues hunting monsters, somewhere.
Comments closedE3 is here and it’s time to second-guess all of our entertainment choices! Has Sony betrayed us? Is Monster Hunter real? Does playing Mario XCOM mean we secretly like Minions? Y can’t Metroid crawl??
Comments closed#5: 9 Hours, 9 Persons, 9 Doors
Although this actually came out towards the end of 2010, 999 struck such a chord with me that I’m happy to feature it alongside the best games I played this year. I haven’t played many visual novels (the closest maybe being Hotel Dusk: Room 215), but I loved that the game took its time building up an elaborate mystery which, despite the many unexpected twists, all seemed to make sense in the end. The ways the creator managed to incorporate genre tropes and even the DS format into the story and gameplay were nothing short of genius and had me scrambling to play the game over so I could experience it again from a new perspective. It’s like The Prestige of video games—the deception is right under your nose the entire time, but you’d never in a million years suspect it.
Comments closedHey folks, Paul here. Wow! It has finally arrived. This week’s biggest, NAY… this week’s COLOSSAL release is one our most anticipated releases of the…
6 CommentsWe’ve mentioned on the show how excited we are that two of our favorite games, Ico and Shadow of the Colossus, are getting rereleased in…