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Tag: Red Dead Redemption

VGH #45: Zoo Hunter

VGH #45: Zoo Hunter

Every gamer has a story about the one that got away. Red Dead, GTA, Fable, Dead Space…

On this week’s show, we’re talking about the games that we’ve played but somehow never finished. Sometimes life gets in the way, sometimes we have to force ourselves to finish a game that just isn’t fun…and sometimes Randy just can’t get past a certain boss battle and won’t stop talking about it.

In the Hangover: Matt buys a Vita, D.J. prepares himself for Mass Effect 3 by getting his Shepard in order, and Randy gets closer to God with El Shaddai: The Ascension of the Metatron. D.J. also got his hands on the yet-to-be-released fighting game Skullgirls, and Randy and Matt keep their Journey talk 100% spoiler-free.

In Last Call: Quantic Dream follows up on Heavy Rain with something very moving, Stromkern emerges from hiding with some killer new music, and EA’s Origin service seems to be getting its act together.

Lastly, we pay tribute to some of our favorite fake radio ads from the Grand Theft Auto series in this week’s Video Game Community Theatre segments.

The Video Game Hangover podcast: it moistens your mouth and it’s mildly offensive to French people.

Mais non! Pas du tous!


Paul’s Top Ten of 2010

#10 (barely…) Fable III (Note: this really should be the #1 worst game of 2010, why is it on my top 10? -Paul)

Dear Peter,

You make good games!!! So stop promising us that you’ll change the world with your projects! That way, a solid title like Fable III won’t be labeled a disappointment in some random blog post on the internet. Your team knows how to create charming worlds, with interesting gameplay mechanics, but can’t seem to grasp the technical side of game development. : ( I hope your feelings aren’t hurt and we can still meet for tea and crumpets some day.

Yours sincerely,

Paul Sandhu

P.S. Those are my initials! : – )

P.P.S. Please make sure you release your titles without game breaking glitches. It is kind of embarrassing when people have to restart their game because of clipping issues. When I say restart, I don’t mean reboot their console, I mean RESTART their entire game/save. That’s so 1996….