D.J. just got back from not playing any games at PAX West, and boy, are his arms tired! Meanwhile, Randy investigates the spooky doors of…
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Put on your headphones and join us as we listen to the greatest video game music from this terrible year.
Comments closedAfter being unceremoniously killed during the opening credits, Nathan Drake reflects on all the cool video games he never found time away from his life of adventure to play. Games like Nuclear Throne, Severed, Crusader Kings 2, and Quantum Break. “Actually,” he gasps with his last breath, “I’m OK with missing Quantum Break.”
1 CommentPaul puts his other obligations on hold to take over a beer farm in Stardew Valley. With his 10 billion wives behind him, D.J. plans his new career as a stay-at-home paperweight in Ultimate Kept Man Life. And Randy takes a break from The Division… a Quantum Break, that is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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