A message from Video Game Hangover about Satoru Iwata, President of Nintendo.
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Once a year, a legendary lobster crawls out of the sea to tell tales of time-traveling high schoolers and historical steampunk lions. Unfortunately, we missed the lobster again. Fortunately, we’re perfectly capable of telling you those stories ourselves.
Comments closedOn the way to 2015, you suddenly find yourself trapped in the realm of Nintendoom, where nothing fits in your pocket and every Amiibo is Luigi. Your only chance of escape lies in the machinegun-toting hands of—who else—Batman (voiced by Troy Baker).
Comments closedAre you the ultimate fanfiction author/biker gang leader? If so, you’re invited to attend this podcast where we discuss your particular talents. Please watch out for potential murderers and/or time travel hazards. This episode is better without Kinect.
Comments closedBritish VGH contributor Russ Greeno was recently coaxed out of retirement by the prospect of experiencing classic retro gaming challenges on his Wii U.
Hi, I’m Russ Greeno. You may or may not remember me from such video game reviews as Sonic in Mediocre Land or Duke Nukem 3: Suffragette Edition.
Last year, I decided to retire from reviewing games after feeling depressed about the state of “video game journalism”. I don’t want to dwell on things here, but I’d sum it up by saying that a proliferation of gaming news blogs regurgitating press releases and keeping fanboy flamewars burning made me want to quit. When I was offered an opportunity to review NES Remix 2 on Wii U, it occurred to me that this celebration of Nintendo’s history just might be the ideal title to flex the reviewing muscle in my brain (mostly just to see if it still worked).
Imagine if you could play the standout scenes from all those classic NES titles you fondly remember without having to get your old console out of the attic. On top of that, how about if Nintendo dropped all of those games into a mixing bowl and stirred everything around just a little bit. Wouldn’t that be cool? That’s the surprising premise that NES Remix delivered to the Wii U’s eShop less than six months ago. In that original outing, you could experience such things as Level 1-1 of Super Mario Bros. with different enemy placements, a lap of Excitebike in the dark, and the first stage of Donkey Kong where you control Link instead of Mario (and Link can’t jump over the barrels or use hammers!).
Comments closedIt turns out we still have a few more games from PAX East to talk about, including Rats: Time Is Running Out and Chasm. Meanwhile, 119 million Gameboys still work after 25 years, Randy scoffs at the meager challenge of Super Mario Bros. 3, D.J. practices crashing planes in Strike Vector, and Paul hates the Steam controller.
Comments closedCan you smell what the River is cooking? Join the VGH crew as they chat about Thief, Weapon Shop de Omasse, and the Final Fantasy XIV endgame. Also: stealth games, year 3 of the 3DS and more!
6 CommentsWho needs next-gen consoles when you’ve got Nintendo games to play? This week, we’re unhealthily obsessed with Zelda, Link, Mario, Toad, and… is there a Wii Sports guy? Why are we talking about Wii Sports in 2013 again?
We’re taking your calls for our 2013 finale episode! Leave us a message at audioboo.fm/vghangover or by phone by calling* 1-682-999-VGH1 (1-682-999-8441).
*Long distance charges may apply.
Comments closedWriter/director Rob McCallum talks with us about his upcoming indie documentary, The NES Club.
2 CommentsWe pay our respects to the late Hiroshi Yamauchi by looking back at the big N’s history and sharing some of our favorite Nintendo memories. In the Hangover: We like GTA5 when it doesn’t make us torture people, and D.J. learns to sew in Final Fantasy XIV.
1 CommentOily men, oily, oily men! This week’s show is all about oily men (somehow). But then we talk about how Nintendo’s doing, so don’t worry.
The Backlog Attack is in full effect this week, as we play through Resident Evil: Revelations, Spec Ops: The Line and Shadows of the Damned
2 CommentsOn this week’s show: E3! We recap some of our favorite highlights and lowlights from the first two days of E3 2013. Yup, just straight up E3 reactions from the VGH Crew!
1 CommentNama biiru hitotsu onegaishimasu!
On this week’s show, D.J.’s back from Japan with a suitcase full of slimes, cats and beef tongue. We grill him for details about his trip to the gaming mecca.
We’re also reading your tweets and messages and talking about our time with Gears of War: Judgment, FarCry 3: Blood Dragon, and Gunslinger Stratos.
After listening to this week’s show, be sure to read how you can join us for our 100th episode of the podcast!
Comments closedWe state our demands for the next console generation while Microsoft tries to keep its next Xbox under wraps. In the Hangover, Paul experiences a summer lull, D.J. blings out his Battlefield 3 experience, and Matt is head over heels for Gravity Rush.
2 CommentsNintendo takes the stage on day 2 of E3 2012 and our bodies are ready. Hear our reactions to the Wii U gamepad, Miiverse and Nintendo’s online plans, 3DS games, and the all-important Wii U launch titles.
Comments closedWe can’t believe that we’ve made 51 episodes already!
On this week’s show, we discuss a whole slew of other gaming-related things that we simply can’t believe: Call of Duty‘s success, the Wii’s dominance, Mass Effect‘s overlooked accomplishment and the possibility of a single-console gaming future.
In the Hangover segment, we explore our love/hate relationships with Disgaea, Radiant Historia, Kinect, Witcher, and Bit.Trip Saga.
Finally, we wrap up with a Last Call that somehow references Kid Icarus, Megan Fox, and collectable fine art pieces.
3 CommentsHot on the heels of the recent 3DS system software update, Nintendo has given their Club Nintendo website a bit of a makeover. In addition to a little visual sprucing up, they’ve also added a number of actual games to the list of rewards that club members can spend their coins on.
Comments closedThe VGH crew offer their fascinating insight and biting commentary on the big announcements from E3 2011. Kinect, PlayStation Vita, Wii U—nothing is safe in…
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