THQ was nice enough to send over three codes for the Xbox Live Arcade version of Nexuiz for us to give away to our wonderful listeners and readers. For those not familiar with it, Nexuiz is a fast-paced, online competitive first-person shooter from IllFonic. I had great time with it when I checked it out for review last month. It’s available on XBLA now and is heading to PC and PSN soon.
6 CommentsTag: Illfonic
Note (2/26/2013): In the wake of the dissolution of THQ, the multiplayer servers for the XBLA version of Nexuiz have been shut down. If the game sounds fun, there’s always still the PC version, which is still functional as of this update.
Nexuiz, the third title in Microsoft’s “House Party” 2012 promotion on Xbox Live Arcade, is an arena-based first-person shooter which initially began life over a decade ago as a freely available quake mod. This new commercially released iteration from Illfonic may be gussied up to match modern technical expectations, but the game’s lineage is immediately felt the moment you jump into a match.
Intense and fast-paced, Nexuiz’s design sensibilities are clearly rooted in a bygone era. One where there was no sprint button because your player character already moved quite swiftly in the first place and where the word “gib” was an everyday part of a gamer’s vernacular.