Raise shields! Charge engines! Calibrate the thing! Fire missiles! Assassinate a guy! Reroute auxiliary power! Touch primary booty! Engage hyperspace uncle! Watch electronic sports!
Comments closedTag: FTL: Faster than Light
To free us from the tyranny of car keys, we all get cybernetic implants. Also, we played some video games: FTL: Advanced Edition, Mega Man III, and Mario Golf: World Tour. This episode is available to tomodachi of all races and sexual orientation.
Comments closedBGM Mode is back with volume 2 of the best game music of 2012. Today, we’ve got Paul’s picks.
2 CommentsIt may already be February, but 2012 lives on thanks to my iPod filled with last year’s best game soundtracks. Put on some headphones and listen to a quick sampling of ten of my favorites below.
Comments closed#5: Soulcalibur V
It’s been an auspicious year for fighting games–can you imagine the reaction just a few years ago if someone predicted that in one year, we’d see new iterations of nearly every major fighting franchise? That’s exactly what happened in 2012, and I’ve got to give credit to the latest in my favorite fighting series: Soulcalibur. Despite some skepticism over new gameplay mechanics and a dramatically different character roster, SCV emerged as one of the series’ strongest entries and even appeared to gain back some respect from the arcade circuit. Best of all: No Star Wars characters in sight.
Comments closed2012 was a huge year for games and we’re discussing just a few of the many contenders for Game of the Year, before finally revealing our personal top five.
6 CommentsWe humbly present the VGH Holiday Gift Guide (with apologies to all of the non-creepy mall Santas out there). We’ve got cool gift ideas for gamers, readers, comic book and movie lovers, and more. No one will judge you if you decide to keep the best stuff for yourself. Also on this week’s show: our (almost) final word on FTL and The Walking Dead, thoughts on the surprising new Devil May Cry, and D.J. gets his hands on Nintendo’s hot new thing.
3 CommentsWould you pay $60 for a 3-hour game? What’s your dollar-per-hour ratio? With Black Friday right around the corner, we’re dedicating this week’s show to a conversation about the shopping habits of the modern gamer. We’ve also got talk of FTL, Paper Mario: Sticker Star on 3DS,Wreck-It Ralph, the music of Airmech, and free-to-play Star Wars: The Old Republic.
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