We reflect back on the games of 2016: the ones we loved, the ones we were only mildly enthused about, and the ones that made is stare blankly at our phones while we wandered into traffic.
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Put on your headphones and join us as we listen to the greatest video game music from this terrible year.
Comments closedPaul embarks on the anime road trip of a lifetime. D.J. takes a (short!) break from rebuilding Alefgard to hang out with a robot buddy. Randy tries to figure out why everyone’s dead.
Comments closedThis year, at E3: Tom Clancy’s robot dog! Norman Reedus’s weird body! Games about war! Games about burritos! Typography! JRPGs that look like Mass Effect! And the Pacific Northwest, but everywhere!
Comments closedTime for a road trip with your favorite anime bros! D.J. returns to Bravely Default while Paul discovers LEGOs and walks down a hallway. Also, Final Fantasy XV, Monster Hunter, and Animal Crossing—must be Tokyo Game Show.
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