Are you ready for a stupid murder vacation? We take a tour of one of the worst casinos in The Sexy Brutale, brush up on our Zelda photography skills, and discuss skeeball pro strats. Also, two Final Fantasy games that D.J.’s not playing.
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Kitchen thievery in Overcooked, naked ninjas being shot out of cannons in Ninja Launcher, and Adam Jensen’s sunglasses. One of those things is not like the other… but to find out you’ll need to listen to this week’s episode! Also: Randy is still (not) dead (hopefully) and we flashback to Flashback: The Quest for Identity.
Comments closedRandy continues his new life of intergalactic trading in No Man’s Sky. D.J. watches people play every arcade game at once, then tries to come to terms with the final Final Fantasy. Paul explains how kitchens work.
Comments closedIs the brunt of the Fall releases over? (I secretly hope not, because if I can’t complain about all the games coming out I’ll have to figure out some other way to introduce these posts.) Anyway, it’s definitely waning but we still have a few more big releases left in the year. So what are they?
The biggest this week is undoubtedly The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword for (what else?) the Wii. If you already listened to Episode 30, you know it’s a bit controversial among the VGH crew for its decision to use only motion controls, but I’m optimistic. Nintendo says they’ve prepared a cool, 1:1 swordfighting experience, and I want to see how well that works. I found the waggle-laden sword action in 2006’s Zelda: Twilight Princess to be pretty pointless, so at the very least this should be more engaging.
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