We’ve arrived in 2019 to tell you about our favorite Yakuza and non-Yakuza games from 2018.
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We look back on 2017, a year sure to be remembered by history for its seemingly endless stream of quality video games.
Comments closedWe’re back to playing Zelda: Breath of the Wild and wondering if it would be better as a sidescroller. Paul reunites with an old friend in Dead Cells, then goes looking for a new friend but finds Salt and Sanctuary instead. Randy plays stuff on his phone.
Comments closedWe venture into Dead Cells, the hot new metroidroguevaniasoulslike, and leave satisfied but missing 75% of our gold. We also try Prey and like it, except for a classic FPS character who won’t stop making a cameo. Also, D.J. tries a new Final Fantasy.
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