If loving jetpacks and starship dress-up is wrong, we don’t want to be right! This week, we share all the “wrong” reasons we play games. In the Hangover, Randy 100-percents Castlevania: Lords of Shadow – Mirror of Fate on the 3DS, Paul finds a satisfying sendoff in Mass Effect 3 Citadel DLC, and D.J. promises Battlefield 3: End Game will be the last mention of battles and fields… at least until BF4. Also, we’ve got your favorite classic rhythm games in Viewer Mail!
4 CommentsTag: Castlevania: Lords of Shadow: Mirror of Fate
Does the end of Rock Band DLC mean the death of rhythm gaming? We look back on the life of the game that put plastic instruments in everyone’s living room and talk about why the genre isn’t dead yet. In the Hangover, we’re playing BIT.TRIP Presents… Runner2: Future Legend of Rhythm Alien, Castlevania: Lords of Shadow – Mirror of Fate, Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch, and recommending you avoid Aliens: Colonial Marines and The Last Remnant.
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