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Tag: Animal Crossing: New Leaf

VGH #190: 100% Narga

VGH #190: 100% Narga

Paul and D.J. get deep into Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate fashion and this season’s hottest armor skills. Meanwhile, Randy prefers to stay out of the spotlight with Monster Bag. Also, Pillars of Eternity, Mario Party 10, and smartwatches destroy civilization.

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Randy’s Top 10 Games of 2013

If there’s a common thread that runs through my favorite games of 2013, it’s that the traditional “console gaming” experience just didn’t cut it for me in 2013: a full half of my list is made up of portable games and two of the others are, at this time, available only on a PC. There’s only one console exclusive, no next-gen games, and not a single Xbox or Wii U game to be found. Based on this, I’m left to conclude that my favorite releases of 2014 will only be playable on a Texas Instruments graphing calculator or, God forbid, the OUYA.

Without further ado, here’s my list:

10GH10. Gone Home
My heart swells every time I think back upon my time with Gone Home: with zero on-screen characters, developers The Fullbright Company somehow managed to create an exploration-based game about music, family, youth, and perhaps most surprisingly, love. It all worked, too, in a way that these themes almost never work in video games. I was moved by how real the Greenbriar family felt to me as I wandered around their home; in a lot of ways, they reminded me of my family. Gone Home is, to me, an accomplishment simply because of how rare and intimate that kind of experience still is in gaming.

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VGH #106: Community Grooming

VGH #106: Community Grooming

It’s tougher than ever to fit lengthy gaming experiences into our crowded schedules. We discuss what we do when faced with the 60-odd-hour JRPG, whether it’s the developers that should be more considerate, and what’s truly important for us to get out of our precious gaming time.

In the Hangover, Randy selflessly throws himself on top of The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct, D.J. saves the world many times in Half Minute Hero, and Paul… well, Paul’s still doing his Animal Crossing thing.

Also, we reveal the most shameful games in your backlogs in Viewer Mail!

Special thanks to listener DontJudgeMyADD for suggesting this week’s topic by way of his article, “Gamers need more choices to scale game experiences.”


VGH #103: Flying Toasters!

VGH #103: Flying Toasters!

We’re playing The Last of Us (still spoiler-free!) and wondering if sometimes games try too hard to be… game-y? We discuss finding a proper mix of gameplay and narrative as games become more cinematic. Also, Randy spends his summer vacation memory hacking and punching dudes in Remember Me‘s Neo Paris.

We’ve also got your comments on retro games, Illumiroom, and more Animal Crossing!


VGH #102: Out and Proud

VGH #102: Out and Proud

Are you a closet gamer? (It’s OK, you’re among friends.) In a special combo topic from listener Robop1g, we’re picking apart the concept of “gamer shame” and seeing how far we have to turn the clock back before games become unplayable. And—as long as we’re coming out of the closet—we go on a bit of a tangent and confess our biggest movie shames.

In the Hangover, we’re playing Mighty Switch Force! 2 on 3DS and experiencing different types of zombie survival in State of Decay and The Last of Us. (Don’t worry, no spoilers!) We’ve also got your reactions to Microsoft’s surprise Xbox 180!