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Mini Hangover: Dungeon Encounters: The Bootleg Series

An alternate soundtrack for any dungeons you may encounter.

You can download this episode directly here.

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This Week’s Music:
“Fight 1” from Final Fantasy IV by Nobuo Uematsu
“The Battle” and “Battle 2” from Romancing SaGa 3 by Kenji Ito
“Your Fighting Eyes Are Always Beautiful” and “So the Fingers of the Dark Have Reached Even Here” from Mystic Ark by Akihiko Mori
“Battle #2” from Lufia & the Fortress of Doom by Yasunori Shiono
“Arcs”* from Brain Lord by Masanao Akahori
“Battle 1” from Final Fantasy Mystic Quest by Ryuji Sasai
“Battle for the Fields” from Rudra’s Treasure by Ryuji Sasai
“Lonely Town” from Soul Blazer by Yukihide Takeawa
“Battle 1” from SaGa Frontier by Kenji Ito
“Lethal Strike” from SaGa 2 by Kenji Ito
“Brain Hopper” from Shadow Hearts by Yoshitaka Hirota
“The White Cloud in the Sky” from Brave Fencer Musashi by Tsuyoshi Sekito
“Epic Confrontation”* from The 7th Saga by Norihiko Yamanuki
“Divine Battle” from SaGa 3 by Ryuji Sasai
“Victory” from Lufia: The Legend Returns by Yasunori Shiono

*unofficial title

Listen to the full Dungeon Encounters soundtrack here.

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