We live life ten minutes of a Star Trek episode at a time in The Captain Is Dead, then take a whimsical trip to Norway in Embracelet. Also, our thoughts on the latest Nintendo Direct and the questionable titles therein.
Comments closedMonth: February 2021
Randy gets deep into kaiju and cat costumes in the Super Mario 3D World spin-off, Bowser’s Fury. Meanwhile, D.J. struggles to adjust to the Bravely Default II demo and wonders if everyone would quiet down if he just paid them lots of money.
Comments closedWe played games that answer two of the Metroidvaniaverse’s biggest questions: Y can’t Metroid throw a harpoon (Olija), and y can’t Metroid be Spider-man (Mable and the Wood)? Also, Final Fantasy XIV heads to the moon in Endwalker.
Comments closedRandy learns to cope with 1000 deaths in Pikmin 3 Deluxe. Meanwhile, D.J. plays Final Fantasy VII Remake and Bravely Default simultaneously and somehow still has time to see what the cast of Persona 5 is doing in Dragalia Lost.
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