Randy gets hopped up on FEVER MODE in Lapis x Labyrinth. D.J. meditates over canceling Apple Arcade while he disassembles some junk in Assemble with Care, then plays a game he’s wanted to try for 25 years. Also, Kentucky Route Zero ends well, but not without a few bumps in the road.
Episode Timeline:
(0:29) – Intro/RIPHQ
(6:56) – Randy’s Entertainment Minute
(14:15) – Norman Reedus is a real guy
(16:04) – Apple Arcade/Assemble with Care
(30:18) – Kentucky Route Zero
(40:29) – Trials of Mana
(51:06) – Lapis x Labyrinth
(1:05:00) – Outro
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This Week’s Music:
“Attract Sequence” and “Fox Coat” by desk. Get the original albums Funcy and Capacity on Bandcamp.
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Techcrunch: The drunken HQ Trivia finale before it shut down was insane
Wired: The Tragedy and Mystery of the ‘Best Game of the Decade’ (Kentucky Route Zero spoilers)
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