Randy explores the strange world of Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening (the new one!) while D.J. compares notes with the Game Boy Color version. Also, motorcycle swordfights in Sayonara Wild Hearts, and life as a horrible goose in Untitled Goose Game.
Episode Timeline:
00:26 – Intro
03:10 – Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening
23:27 – Untitled Goose Game
35:18 – Sayonara Wild Hearts
53:08 – William Shakespeare’s Final Fantasy XIV
56:19 – Outro
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This Week’s Music:
“Disco Descent (1-1 ReMix)” by DDRKirby(ISQ) and “Absolutetion (Golden Lute ReMix)” by RoboRob from Crypt of the NecroDancer: OverClocked. Get the full album on Bandcamp.
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