Randy embarks on a magical journey to the world of Culdcept Revolt. D.J. faces his greatest fear in Cosmic Star Heroine. Also: What does The Division 2 have in common with Final Fantasy XIV?
Episode Timeline:
00:36 – Intro/Tetris 99
08:07 – Ritual of the Moon
11:12 – Phantasy Star
16:19 – The Division 2
22:46 – Culdcept Revolt
46:46 – Cosmic Star Heroine
57:54 – Outro
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This Week’s Music:
“Crystal Labyrinth” and “Return to the Star” from Option Fire -Gradius III NES/Famicom Arrange Album- by Wally Chantek. Get the full album for free at wallychantek.com.
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Play Ritual of the Moon with us, five minutes a day, starting on June 1!