Randy returns to the world of Boxboy (and Boxgirl), now in lavish high definition. D.J. gets Fire Emblem in his Dragalia Lost. And the second part of our Labo VR experience, featuring Super Mario Odyssey and Zelda: Breath of the Wild.
Episode Timeline:
00:36 – Intro
03:23 – The Avengers, Part Deux
13:46 – Nintendo Labo VR (feat. Mario and Zelda)
39:18 – Boxboy + Boxgirl
58:38 – Dragalia Lost x Fire Emblem Heroes
1:12:21 – Outro
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This Week’s Music:
“Crystal Labyrinth” and “Return to the Star” from Option Fire -Gradius III NES/Famicom Arrange Album- by Wally Chantek. Get the full album for free at wallychantek.com.
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