We brush off our demon negotiation skills in Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey Redux, ask the hard questions about what it means to be a Wizard of Legend, and lament the lack of tea kettles in Yakuza 6. Starring Paul Sandhu as Captain Jean-Luc Picard.
Episode Timeline
00:35 – Intro
03:10 – Star Trek minute
07:30 – Yakuza 6
24:14 – Wizard of Legend
37:08 – Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey Redux
55:20 – David Cage minute
58:10 – Outro
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This Week’s Music:
“Reach for the Summit” and “Checking In” from the Celeste Original Soundtrack by Lena Raine
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Get the Celeste Original Soundtrack and the Celeste B-Sides by Lena Raine on Bandcamp