D.J. checks in from Japan, a mysterious land where arcades and Xenogears live on. Back in America, Randy plays Minit 60 seconds at a time, then spends time with Metropolis: Lux Obscura, which brings some much-needed sexism to the match 3 genre. Also: Ticket to Earth.
Episode Timeline
00:41 – Intro
01:55 – 日本しましょう
16:53 – Dragon Quest XI??
28:35 – Xenogears 20th Anniversary Concert
47:51 – Minit
61:30 – Metropolis: Lux Obscura
71:01 – Ticket to Earth
74:20 – Outro
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This Week’s Music:
“Abyssal Holic” and “Chronology” by Hirokazu Koshio from Dariusburst and Dariusburst Chronicle Saviours
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