Randy delves into the world of thinly veiled 90s TV references in The Darkside Detective. D.J. plays the latest in one of his favorite genres: Shadow of the Colossus remakes. And Paul continues hunting monsters, somewhere.
Episode Timeline
00:44 – Intro
06:53 – The Darkside Detective
17:58 – Celeste
25:53 – Shadow of the Colossus
55:18 – Monster Hunter: World
71:12 – Outro
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This Week’s Music:
“Abyssal Holic” and “Chronology” by Hirokazu Koshio from Dariusburst and Dariusburst Chronicle Saviours
A link from last week’s show but it’s possibly even more relevant to this week’s show so I’m leaving it in the links: Eurogamer: The question of fidelity and Shadow of the Colossus