Randy continues his new life of intergalactic trading in No Man’s Sky. D.J. watches people play every arcade game at once, then tries to come to terms with the final Final Fantasy. Paul explains how kitchens work.
Comments closedMonth: August 2016
No Man’s Sky is out so we can definitively answer everyone’s remaining questions, like: Are there really 600 trillion planets, or did they just copy/paste the same 3 over and over? How do I shot gun? And which multiplayer mode is best? D.J. goes swimming.
Comments closedRandy pops heads off (and back on again) in the 70s sci-fi-vania, Headlander. Paul is still playing only Monster Hunter. And D.J. would have finished Last Window by now if protagonist Kyle Hyde could drag himself out of bed at a reasonable hour.
Comments closedD.J. emerges from Final Fantasy XIV‘s deep dungeon to talk about its new Deep Dungeon mode. Paul navigates Batman through some jankiness. Randy has questions about Persona 4‘s take on hot social issues. Also: The final round of the Backlog Attack begins!
Comments closedUPDATE: The Backlog Attack will end at midnight on August 29! (That’s late Sunday/early Monday morning.) Make sure you comment with your final progress before…