Surprise! It’s the same image from last week. But, this time, I’ve actually started Alan Wake, and Randy’s made some real progress into Zelda and collected a few of those pendants or whatever magical things they’ve lost this time. Hopefully, Paul and I will have a few more episodes of Alan Wake to discuss next time. Get the full progress update for this week on our latest episode.
Also, if you haven’t already entered the Backlog Attack contest, now’s the time! Get your list of backlog games posted so we can track your progress and declare you the winner at the end of the month! You’ll win the new release game of your choice!
If you have already entered, tune into next week’s episode for the first backlog bonus challenge! In the meantime, why not create yourself an account at The Backloggery to make keeping tabs on your games even easier? You can follow our own Backloggery pages here: