It turns out we still have a few more games from PAX East to talk about, including Rats: Time Is Running Out and Chasm. Meanwhile, 119 million Gameboys still work after 25 years, Randy scoffs at the meager challenge of Super Mario Bros. 3, D.J. practices crashing planes in Strike Vector, and Paul hates the Steam controller.
Comments closedMonth: April 2014
Polish your hammers and fuel up your jetpacks: we want to play Red Faction: Guerrilla with you! Join the Video Game Hangover crew for our next Community…
Comments closedRandy and D.J. (with a little help from the VGH community) report in from PAX East. Thousands of gamers and only some of them are wearing deodorant!
Special thanks to guests Erik Kubik and Pete Cintula!
1 CommentRandy and D.J. are going to PAX East this year so Nintendo, Sony, and friends don’t have to, apparently. But why is that exactly? We also discuss Vlambeer’s indie guilt over Ridiculous Fishing, Batmanstlevania: Arkham Origins Blackgate, Final Fantasy, and, as always, baseball.
We also want your suggestions for this month’s game night! Let us know what you want to play on Twitter!
Comments closedAre The Elder Scrolls Online? Do they have to be? We launch a full investigation. Also, Paul makes an impulse Diablo III purchase (not the auction house kind), Randy climbs to the tops of buildings in Infamous Second Son, and you’ll never guess what D.J.’s doing.
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