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CONTEST: Crush your backlog and win!

Backlog Attack!

If you’ve been listening to the show for the last few weeks, you know we’ve been making an effort to finish a pile of our unplayed games before the big Fall rush—starting with Grand Theft Auto V—consumes all our spare gaming time. We know some of you listeners are sitting atop your own piles of shame, though, and we want to encourage you to cross a few off your list and make some room for some of the big titles you’re looking forward to during the rest of the year. It’s a great way to discover some overlooked classics and even feel like you’re being productive while playing video games!

And just in case the sense of accomplishment isn’t enough, we’ll throw in some extra incentive: The listener we decide has made the most impressive backlog progress will win the Fall new release of their choice!* (Because they’ll need something else to play after getting through all those other games, right?) We’ll even send the game to you using Amazon wormhole technology so you can play it on release day.**

To join in, first post a list of the unplayed games you plan to get through between now and September 6th. That gives you four weeks to play, so pick your games wisely—we’ll declare a winner based on who we decide had the biggest accomplishment. (We’ll be more impressed if you 100% the Mass Effect trilogy than if you play a bunch of Wii party games, for example.)

Second, follow us on Twitter and keep listening to the show in case we drop any special instructions for you!

If you have any questions, feel free to drop us a line on Twitter @vghangover or send us an email and we’ll be happy to explain any of the rules. We think it’s simple enough, though: play your old games, win a new one! Now get to it and post your list below!

* MSRP $60 (U.S.) or under
** Where available. If the game you choose isn’t eligible for release date delivery, we’ll use the next fastest shipping.


  1. StrandedBrit
    StrandedBrit August 9, 2013

    Command & Conquer 4
    Hotline Miami
    Left 4 Dead 2 (shameful).
    Metro 2033
    Need For Speed : Most Wanted.
    Red Faction Armageddon

    Super Mario 3D Land
    Sleeping Dogs
    Torchlight 2

    And for shits and giggles I’ll post my ACNL and MH3U times to see if they suffer abnormally from this experiment or if I completely ignore the other games and keep piling the hours on to these two behemoths :-

    Animal Crossing A New Leaf – 55 hours
    Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate – 140 hours

    • randy_wrecked
      randy_wrecked August 12, 2013

      I just hit 100 hours on Animal Crossing this week. Insanity.

      Play Sleeping Dogs!

  2. Cesar Gutierrez
    Cesar Gutierrez August 9, 2013

    Going to finish up on Wind Waker tonight. Then I’m going to work on…

    Ratchet and Clank HD Trilogy (Going for all three platinums)
    Crysis 2 (Want to start the single player; never played it)
    Bioshock 2 (Same deal as ‘Crysis 2’)
    Eternal Darkness
    Soul Sacrifice

    …and maybe Chibi-Robo and Rayman Origins if there’s still time. >__>

    • Tony Irons
      Tony Irons August 10, 2013

      That list is great! I’d start with Eternal Darkness. That was such a cool game with a really unique vibe that i’ve never seen in another game since.

    • randy_wrecked
      randy_wrecked August 12, 2013

      I love the current-gen Ratchet and Clank games but I haven’t played through the original trilogy yet. I’d be interested to hear how they compare to the newer ones and if you think they’ve aged well. Did you play any of the Sly Cooper games?

      • Cesar Gutierrez
        Cesar Gutierrez August 13, 2013

        I have actually platinum’ed the entire Sly trilogy. Never played the games prior to the HD collection. I found them to be excellent games, and highly worth checking out.

        As for Ratchet, I’m currently trying to finish the first game in that trilogy. It plays like any of the R&CF games, so it would feel very familiar to you. However, a dearth of checkpoints is a huge problem in this first game. If you tend to die a lot, it might have the potential to be very frustrating to try and finish. I don’t know if the other two games have this problem, so I’ll get back to you on that.
        Other than that, it’s a pretty solid game.

      • Cesar Gutierrez
        Cesar Gutierrez August 23, 2013

        The second and third games are a lot better regarding the checkpoint problem. Having better weapons in both those games also helps matters as well! πŸ™‚

    • Jeb Adams
      Jeb Adams August 15, 2013

      I loved RATCHET & CLANK. This is a great list. Have a good time!

  3. Erik K.
    Erik K. August 9, 2013

    Oh the backlog attack!
    I’ve got these games mocking me from my shelf
    -FEAR 3
    -Metro 2033
    -Blood Dragon
    -Mafia II
    -Walking Dead 400 Days
    -Hotline Miami

    If I really feel like causing myself pain all the DLC for Fallout 3 and NV

    • randy_wrecked
      randy_wrecked August 12, 2013

      400 Days is less than 90 minutes long! You can hammer that one out during an extended lunch break, Erik!

    • Guest
      Guest September 10, 2013

      Im adding Ducktales remastered to this as well….

  4. creid8
    creid8 August 10, 2013

    Let’s see:

    Recettear: An Item Shop’s Tale (kinda cheating because I’ve only got about an hour left, but I did start it in the summer!)
    Soul Sacrifice
    System Shock 2
    XCOM: Enemy Unknown
    Strike Suit Zero
    Ys Seven
    Tales of Xillia

    Including stuff I’m part way through:

    Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate(half way through already)
    Samurai Warriors Chronicle (about halfway through, my 3DS launch game that I never beat :/)

    I’m not really going to get far because once FFXIV comes out everything else is going to go out the window, but it should be fun trying.

    • randy_wrecked
      randy_wrecked August 12, 2013

      XCOM is on my list, too. Let me know when/if you get to it and we can compare tactics!

      • creid8
        creid8 August 12, 2013

        Will do. I’m kind of intimidated though, it seems like there’s a lot to learn.

        • spaulsandhu
          spaulsandhu August 19, 2013

          The game does a fantastic job of easing you into the mechanics. It is very newbie friendly, you’ll love it.

  5. Tony Irons
    Tony Irons August 10, 2013

    Summer Backlog:

    I decided on these games about a month ago, and have made some good progress already. I figured ME Trilogy was my big project, but i needed some short games to break it up in between ME’s

    Mass Effect 1 (Completed 8.10.13)
    Mass Effect 2
    Mass Effect 3
    Metal Gear Rising: Revengance
    Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon (Completed 7.15.13)

    I don’t think there’s any way i’ll get through all of this, but wish me luck.

    • randy_wrecked
      randy_wrecked August 12, 2013

      Bulletstorm is the only one on your list that I’ve actually played but I can easily say that it’s a blast. Fast-paced, mindless, ridiculous fun. Use it a palate cleanser between some of the more super-serious stuff on your list.

  6. Ryan Manny
    Ryan Manny August 10, 2013

    My load of shame: (and hopefully future lack thereof)

    Chrono Trigger (Beat 8/2)
    Mother 1 (Beat 7/26)
    Ys 1 (Completed 8/8)
    Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3 (Completed 8/6)
    Resident Evil 6
    Harvest Moon
    Picross DS
    Max Payne
    The Walking Dead (Episodes 4 and 5)
    Heavy Rain
    Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus

    I know I have a pretty gigantic list of games, but these are all ones that have been nagging at my gaming conscience for a long time now. I’ll be very impressed if I can actually beat all of them here, but if I can make any progress at all I’ll be happy.


    • randy_wrecked
      randy_wrecked August 12, 2013

      The new Sly Cooper game is so freakin’ good! You’ve got a ton of good stuff on your list, in fact.

      DJ and I were actually talking about the Picross game for the DS recently. There’s so much content on that card! We’re both disappointed that Nintendo never made a proper sequel to it.

      • Matt Kernan
        Matt Kernan August 12, 2013

        On the off chance that you aren’t already aware, they have put out Picross e and Picross e2 on the eShop recently. I haven’t played either one, but my understanding is that they are smaller collections of puzzles for a relatively inexpensive price. Some guy up at my work with is obsessed and I notice every time we Street Pass that he’s been playing them.

        • Jeb Adams
          Jeb Adams August 12, 2013

          I 100% + completed PIcross 3D, which was amazazing. I will get these too, even if the 2d is not as awesome.

  7. A Parker
    A Parker August 10, 2013

    Ok, though I know I have no prayer of being the most impressive, I want to organize myself and microblog my backlog attack. It’s a work in progress but I’ll be documenting my progress here:

    My main goal is to play each day and write each day. That, by itself, will be a win for me and my backlog.

    Good luck with all of your backlog attacks!

    • randy_wrecked
      randy_wrecked August 12, 2013

      Nice! Thanks for sharing the link. Looking forward to seeing your progress.

      • A Parker
        A Parker August 12, 2013

        it’s a fun exercise for me to jot a thought or two town per gaming session. Targeting my backlog is definitely costing me sleep though (in the true spirit of VGH) πŸ™‚

  8. spaulsandhu
    spaulsandhu August 10, 2013

    Those are some pretty ambitious lists. Awesome to see that some folks have already knocked a few games off the list too! Best of luck to everyone, you’re certainly all doing much better than I am with my list! πŸ˜€

    • randy_wrecked
      randy_wrecked August 12, 2013

      Get on it, Paul! You’re making us look bad. πŸ˜›

  9. Jeb Adams
    Jeb Adams August 12, 2013

    I am tracking things at . I started tracking a few episodes ago, some of these I finished in July. I want these five done by GTA V-Day:
    HOTLINE MIAMI: Stuck on mission 10.
    BATMAN: ARKHAM CITY: 7%, and jeeeeez there’s a lot to do.
    SWORD & SWORCERY: Waiting for Bright Moon in 7 days.

    Like an idiot, I have started a bunch of other games too.
    STEAMWORLD DIG: This game is awesome!
    CAVE STORY+: I beat this years ago but want a better ending.
    YEAR WALK: Done, and I only peed myself like twice.
    DONKEY KONG COUNTRY RETURNS 3D: Fucking tough! Holy crap!
    ANIMAL CROSSING: Working on my Dream Hotel or whatever it’s called.

  10. Trace Dixon
    Trace Dixon August 13, 2013

    Here is the list I’m going to attempt.

    Darksiders 2
    Batman AA
    Binary domain
    Assassin’s creed II
    Saint’s row 3

    There are many other games on my list but I think this should prove enough problems for me =D happy backlogging everyone!

  11. Jared Z
    Jared Z August 18, 2013

    Are we talking 100% or just finish the game?
    Well I’m just going to post my goals, then entire backlog lol
    I’ll update it if i get something else done

    Castlevania Lords of Shadow PS3 – Just Paladin Play through ( )
    UMVC3 – 100% Gallery []
    Capcom Arcade Cabient <3 deaths Black tiger [] 50 hrs not worrying about for this contest

    Alice Madness Returns
    Arkham City
    Assassin Creed Brotherhood, Revelations, 3
    Bioshock 1 (Very Hard)
    Bioshock 2
    Dark Void
    Dead Space Extraction, 2, 3
    Demons Souls
    Deadliest Warrior Ancient Combat
    Dark Souls
    DragonAge Ultimate Combo
    DragonAge 2
    Duke Nukem Forever
    F.E.A.R. 3
    Game of Thrones
    Grand Theft Auto 4 Episdoes Libery city
    God of War collection,Origins, 3
    Heavy Rain
    Of Orcs and Men (Promo Copy! Dis)
    MK vs DCU
    Kill zone 2,3
    Final Fantasy 13, 13-2
    Metal Gear HD Collection
    Metro Last Light
    Resident Evil 6
    Resistance 2,3
    Red Faction Armageddon
    Sleeping Dogs
    Silent Hill HD Collection
    Tomb Raider
    Tom Clancy's Endwar
    White Knight Chronicles 2
    Uncharted 1,2,3,
    Xbox 360

    Crackdown 2 (Only a couple of orbs/jumps to go) []
    Gears Judgment (Only Sybarite to Go) []
    Happy Wars (Lv 50 and Cleric/mage acheevo) []
    Ace Combat: Assault Horizon
    Dead Island Riptide
    Dungeon Siege 3
    Gears 1, 2, 3
    Mass Effect 1, 2, 3 + dlc
    Modern Warfare 3
    Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 2
    Lost Planet 2
    Halo Reach
    Skyrim and DLC
    Supreme Commander 2
    Rayman Origins
    Record of Argarest War
    The Darkness 1 & 2

    I'm not even going to bother posting all the Downloable games i need to finish on pc/360/ps3 (let's just say around 50)

  12. Darklurkr23
    Darklurkr23 September 7, 2013

    I can’t find my list on here wierd

    • Matt Kernan
      Matt Kernan September 7, 2013

      It got tagged as spam for some reason. I found it and approved it just now.

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