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VGH #105: Silly Shenanigans Funtime

VGH #105: Silly Shenanigans Funtime

The Summer Backlog Attack returns for 2013! After being humbly defeated last year, we’ve got our sights on six (or so) new games that we’re committing to finish before the Fall releases (and Grand Theft Auto V) hit. Tune in to find out which neglected classics (and which questionable bargain bin finds) we’re finally going to play.

In the Hangover, Paul indulges in the craziness of Project X Zone, Randy plays Tetris on a touchscreen, and D.J. leads a tour of the 3DS’s revamped Mii Plaza and its four new games… which you might actually want to pay for!

We’ve also got your most anticipated Fall games in Viewer Mail!

Episode Timeline:
0:00 – Intro
2:06 – Viewer Mail
12:45 – Tetris Blitz
18:22 – Mii Plaza Games
27:18 – Project X Zone
35:19 – Backlog Attack 2013!
59:07 – Outro

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This Week’s Music:
“Club Wolf” and “Win” from the Rise of the Obsidian Interstellar and Level by Disasterpeace

VGHangover Animal Crossing: New Leaf friend code list – Add your 3DS code and play with the community!

Manage your game collection with The Backloggery!


  1. creid8
    creid8 July 19, 2013

    Glad to hear the summer backlog list is a little more realistic this year. I’ve almost finished mine off, finally.

    • randy_wrecked
      randy_wrecked July 29, 2013

      Any tactics or disciplines you put in place to help you hammer through your backlog, Pete?

      • creid8
        creid8 August 2, 2013

        I find it helps to:
        – play the short stuff first
        – never stop a game midway to start an exciting new release, no matter how good The Last of Us it looks. It’s almost impossible to get the motivation to pick it back up.

        • metaly
          metaly August 2, 2013

          To your second point, R.I.P. my Donkey Kong Country Returns playthrough… although that game was getting to be a real jerk even before The Last of Us showed up.

  2. Jeb Adams
    Jeb Adams July 23, 2013

    Not super topical, but New Leaf is my first AC experience and I am freaking out. I am just letting things happen. I just realized you can bonk rocks and get them to poop out gems. I caught an Ocean Sunfish. I paid a fortune for a bridge about 60 feet from my other bridge but it feels awesome. My museum rocks so hard.

    Weeds! You have to pull them up! I can get lemons to grow but not mangoes! Everyone calls me nutmeg! My house disappoints everyone in town. It makes me crazy-but-not-crazy that the stores have hours.

    I love it. It’s barely a game, but I can’t stand to take it out of the 3DS.

  3. Jeb Adams
    Jeb Adams July 23, 2013

    Back on topic! I set up backloggery and I burn with shame. Those Humble Bundles are my kryptonite–I am so weak before them. I have a Mac, and I had one in the dark ages (Bungie, Ambrosia, and… Bungie?), so anything that is playable on a Mac I feel obliged to support even if only with $10 for a fistful of games.

    My backlog needs to span a few environments, as I don’t have a guaranteed screen anywhere at anytime with four kids. So:

    3DS: PROFESSOR LAYTON & THE MIRACLE MASK – about 2/3 done.
    Mac: LITTLE INFERNO – about 1/2 done.
    360: BATMAN: ARKHAM CITY – about… none done. having trouble getting into this, but I loved ARKHAM ASYLUM.
    iPad: SUPERBROTHERS: SWORD & SWORCERY EP – about a lunar month done

    • randy_wrecked
      randy_wrecked July 29, 2013

      We didn’t even discuss the Humble Bundles on the show! I’ve amassed quite a collection of Android games because of those and I’ve barely touched most of them.

      I struggled with Arkham City, as well. Asylum was such a stronger game. It felt compact and focused while City felt somewhat aimless at times. The combat is amazing, though…quite a refinement of the system from the first game.

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