Did you hear? They added freaking jetbikes to the Starhawk beta this week! Pretty cool. For some reason, I went into it thinking they would fly, but no… they dont. They do jump though. That’s gotta be worth something, right?
Hmm… I wonder what the VGH crew are up to this weekend…
Randy Dickinson (@randy_wrecked): I’ve played Journey twice already and, despite having a number of games that I should be playing, every time I turn on my PS3 all I can think is, “Maybe I should play Journey again”. It’s pretty spectacular.
If I can tear myself away, I hope to spend some more time with Unit 13, Escape Plan, and the Starhawk beta this weekend, as well. No promises, though.
D.J. Ross (@metaly): To follow up on this week’s episode, I did end up playing some Mass Effect 2 (and some of the DLC) this week. I’ll be cutting more into it this weekend, but it still looks like I’ll be getting a late start on Mass Effect 3. Also, Alex Ahad, creator of Skullgirls and one of my favorite illustrators, is going to be at Gamecenter Arcade in San Mateo this evening, so I think I’ll stop by, try out Skullgirls and continue my ongoing battle against their GigaWing 2 machine.
Paul Sandhu (@spaulsandhu): I will be too busy hating myself for loving Mass Effect 3 to be doing anything but playing Mass Effect 3 all weekend. Why do I hate myself for loving it? Listen to VGH44 and the upcoming VGH45 to find out why!!
Matt Kernan (@mkernan): I’m only six hours into Mass Effect 3, so it goes without saying that I’ve got quite a ways to go. I’m tempted to play through Journey a second time, but there’s a trophy for waiting a week and then playing again, so I think I’ll put that off until next weekend. Time permitting, I’d like to spend some more time with the recently-updated Starhawk beta too.