The new action-platformer nobody’s ever heard of, Zack Zero, just hit the Playstation Store this week. I was fortunate enough to get my hands on a copy for review and came away pleasantly surprised with it. If you haven’t had a chance to read the review, go ahead and check it out (or if reading words sounds like too much work, go watch the video review).
Round 2 (new giveaway for the week of Jan. 23rd):
We’ve still got a couple of codes left for the PSN game Zack Zero, so we’re firing up round 2 of our giveaway. In order to enter, you’ll need to subscribe to our YouTube channel and also post a link to this page on Twitter. Here’s the specifics on how to enter:
1) Subscribe to the Video Game Hangover YouTube channel. If you’re already subscribed, then you can move on to step two.
2) Follow @vghangover, then copy and paste this text into a new post on Twitter:
RT @vghangover: We’re giving away Zack Zero for PS3! Here’s how to enter – | We’ll pick a winner on Friday. #VGHZZ
3) Leave a comment here on this post with both your YouTube username and your Twitter username.
We’ll pick a winner on Friday afternoon. Good luck!
The original giveaway, which has already ended:
The fine folks over at Crocodile Entertainment were nice enough to give us a few extra copies (U.S. version) for us to pass along to you, our dear listeners and readers. We’re running a giveaway on each component of our social network trifecta: Twitter, Facebook, and Google+. Follow the instructions below and go get your retweet/like/circle action on to enter! We’ll be picking winners on Friday afternoon around 3 PM CST.
UPDATE: This contest has ended. Congrats to Christian Schmidt on Google+, Doug Klein on Facebook, and Kevin Hunt (@FadeToOne) on Twitter! We have a couple more copies to give away in the coming days, so keep your eyes peeled for info on how to enter.
To enter on Twitter:
First, follow @vghangover if you aren’t already, then either use the built-in retweet function to retweet this post, or copy and paste this into a new tweet:
RT @vghangover: We’re giving away Zack Zero for PS3! Follow @vghangover and RT to enter. We’ll pick a winner on Friday afternoon. #VGHZZ
To enter on Facebook:
First, you’ll need to “like” the VGH Facebook page, if you haven’t already. Then, visit this post, “like” it, and share it publicly on your own timeline/wall.
To Enter on Google+:
First, add the VGH Google+ page to one of your circles, if you haven’t done so already. Then, visit this post, “+1” it, and share it with ‘Public’.
Already entered, thanks! 😀
Good luck!
Can I play?
You’re not eligible.
Jerk. 🙁
bugger all I’m so late.. i need to get back in the contest game. grats to the winners
We’ve got one or two more codes to give away in the coming days, so keep your eyes on our Twitter/Facebook/Google+ pages for info.
Youtube: readyplayer23
Twitter: readyplayer1
Youtube: ranntube
Twitter: @rann78:twitter
Thanks for the chance 🙂
Youtube subscriber: soccernsa and tweeted: @BNTVosburgh!/BNTVosburgh/status/161865707288670209
I’m andrewlee67 on YouTube and @alee67 on Twitter. Thanks for the giveaway!
1st :]
youtube user name : HakanSubasioglu
twitter : @Pixolator
missed the first giveaway I wish I’ll be picked this time crossed fingers :]
Thank you…
Just adding my own info in, on both Twitter and Youtube you can find me as Gincairn
Entered, thanks!
@JasperDolphin85:disqus ScrubsRocks4Ever
^Twitter Youtube^^^^^
entering again
yt: aznxchunky
youtube name junkkube00
Twitter @kube00:twitter
You guys rule! Thanks for this opportunity. 🙂
YouTube: BossVersionOne
Youtube: MrKireiKotomine
Twitter: @FSNsaber:twitter
Thanks for the contest!
Twitter: @beerrun77:disqus
TouTube: beerrun77
This game looks great, thank for the contest.
Youtube: Grouk
Twitter: Grouken
Subscribed and followed: Youtube: AntiClockClock Twitter: AntiClockClock
Thanks to everyone who entered and congrats to all our winners!
@Pixolator on Twitter
Phoenix Bauer on Google+
David Deibert on Facebook