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VGH #360: Charleston Bomb

We’ve got Spider-Man fever, although we can’t seem to remember all the words to his theme song. Also, a return to World War II via the Battlefield V beta, and follow-up thoughts on Pokémon Go and Dragon Quest XI.

  • Things Discussed

    Things Discussed:
    Battlefield V, Dragon Quest XI, Pokémon Go, Spider-Man

Episode Timeline:
00:41 – Intro
03:10 – Viewer Mail feat. Pokémon Go and Dragon Quest
17:14 – Spider-Man
46:24 – Battlefield V
63:16 – Alphabear minute
65:60 – Outro

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This Week’s Music:
“Reach for the Summit” and “Checking In” from the Celeste Original Soundtrack by Lena Raine. Get the Celeste Original Soundtrack and the Celeste B-Sides by Lena Raine on Bandcamp

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